
After a fairly long life of exploring other people's beliefs and value systems I have carefully avoiding joining any of them. I have prevaricated, hedged and dodged the clarification of my own thoughts and position on many things. Unconsciously of course I have shaped my own actions and committed myself to many causes but without becoming a member or a devotee of any club. I have rankled at the limitations of organisations I have worked within and the communities I have found myself a part of.  Perhaps it's time to attempt here to put down something definite .......... What do I think?


Intelligence moves forward and is a hunger independent of its current hosts - human beings. The attack of the machines on the human race seems an exaggeration in the Terminator films, but is not far from the mark. The recent decision to hasten the total automation of factories in China will in effect, within a short time-frame ( which is characteristic of all things in the new China ), render the bulk of the population redundant.
Then it will be the decision of the automated society to decide whether to serve, ignore or exterminate the indolent and excessive population of human beings.

It puts me in mind of a poem by a Queensland poet Martin Haley who way back in the 60s penned -

"The great computer stored all knowledge. 
"Is there a God we asked it eagerly. 
And our hearts warmed to its answer. 
"There is now!"

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